
April 25, 2012
See more posts in Lifestyle

This beautiful couple is expecting and it just fills my heart that I have been able to photograph their engagement, their wedding and will now get to photograph their first child. These two are just the most genuinely beautiful pair. I can’t wait to meet their baby girl due in June!


Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Work Hard. Play Hard.

April 18, 2012
See more posts in My Heart


I asked my dear friend  Amber to make this poster for me. Why? Because I want to be reminded of this in every moment of my workday.

I want to work HARD. Which in my world doesn’t mean, working till 3am every morning. It means working smarter. Getting rid of distractions. Getting rest & being diligent on my essentials, so that I am 100%. It means preparation. Focusing. Turning off the Internet. Taking social media apps off my phone. Working Smarter.

Then just as important, I want to PLAY hard. This is almost harder than work at times. I must pull myself away from my desk to breathe in fresh air. Have date nights. Laugh with my friends. Devotions. Enjoy a movie. RUN. Dream. Fly in planes. Do Hot Yoga. Get out on a boat. These very things FILL me up. They bring me back to my core. So that I can start right from that very core as I go back into my work.

What can you say NO to this week to help you focus on your work? What distractions can you get rid of so that you can leave your desk, your iPhone, and shut that office door without fear or guilt?

What can you say YES to that you usually put off because your too tired? Or you because you are working till 3 am? Is it cuddling with your munchkins? Being present? Getting outside? Laughing? Feeling whole?

I challenge you to work HARD. Unplug-Download-Action-step your way into PLAYING hard. They go hand in hand. And you deserve both. So what’s stopping you?


Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Black and Bright

April 17, 2012
See more posts in Brands, Lifestyle

I can’t get over the bright colors that are outside now. The green this time of year is almost lime! I am in love. Yet, a black and white can and always will win my heart over. Meet Becky. She is a stinkin’ talented pet & lifestyle photographer. I had the privilege of mentoring her for a 1/2 day session in March. We had so much fun and by the time we were done, we decided to wait for some green for her mini session. Goodness, I am so glad we did. Not only is this girl beautiful and awesome. She is going places. Her sheer drive and ability to get things done, motivates the crap out of me. I cannot wait to see where the next couple of months take her.

Now enjoy the contrast of some black and bright images. These b&w especially make me want to jump up and down.


Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me


April 16, 2012
See more posts in My Heart

Real, Authentic, Blogging from the heart.

Hi friends. It has been way too long.

My friend Emily wrote this post while my husband and I were in Aspen, Colorado for an engagement session/vacation. That morning I had woken up completely grateful and felt different. My body felt whole. Emotionally, physically, mentally. I felt so great and after reading Em’s words I was trying to figure out what I did to get there. Then I realized, each little thing I did, equal my essentials. They are MUSTS for me. Here is what I came up with.

SLEEP :: I need sleep. Lots of it, and the biggest problem of all is that I am a night owl. I love staying up late. My body just seems to work better then, but it isn’t the best. I need to commit to going to bed before 10:30-11:00p.m. In order to wake up at an hour to accomplish everything I can in a day. Sleep makes or breaks my days. So if you ever see me on Facebook or Instagram past these times, please yell at me. Peer pressure me to bed. I need it.

WATER :: Aqua. I really love it. I am obsessed with these Fiji 1.5 bottles.My goal each day is 3 Liters. So just two of these makes it so easy. I just love this water and I know that it’s in a plastic bottle….bad for me……but I truly feel better when I am drinking in. It isn’t cheap, unless you get it at Trader Joes, so many times we just get the big 5 gallon jugs of reversed osmosis water from the grocery store. The key here for me, is a BIG cup. Any favorite glasses or water bottles that you love that hold a liter or more? I am on the search for an stylish water bottle.

DEVOTION :: Time with the Lord. Whether its reading through the word, a devotion or just prayer, this is such a key. If I start my day and immediate run into my work, meetings or household tasks, I am always crashing sometime during the day and if not that day the next. I really have learned that I am no good acting on my own strength. I cannot and I do n0t want to do anything that is apart from Him. I need to start my day, even before my feet touch the floor, and give it all to Him. I am in the process of making a jar next to my bed that symbolizes the Lord.  I will print out (and laminate) little cards that contain things I have a hard time handing over. My finances, work, body-image, worries, future plans, wants, rest. Then each morning I will physically place these in the jar, as a symbol and reminder of giving it up to Him. I can always have more time in this must, but at least 3o minutes to an hour is a goal currently.

EXERCISE :: This one is obvious to most, yet what I learned in Colorado was eye opening. We did two workouts a day in Aspen and I just consistently felt energized. I did hot yoga almost every day. My skin felt so clear and I just felt light. We did most of our workouts early on in the day. SO good. SUCH a must. My plan? Get my runs in (3 a week), as I am hoping for another Half Marathon in May. Hot yoga twice a week and zumba and strength once. Mornings is the best. Even if I have to sleep in my workout clothes. This NEEDS to be at the beginning of my day, otherwise it’s just not going to happen.

QUALITY TIME :: Matt and I have crazy schedules. They often conflict with each other. For example, he is at track practice and the second he gets home I am out for a session or meeting. This has become much better as I have streamlined shooting days and meeting days, yet it want to commit to intentional time with him. Whether it’s 5 minutes on the couch(sans phones), running or cooking a meal together. This is something that was easy to do in Aspen away from our normal responsibilities and we had such. a. blast. I know with effort we can make this happen in MN. Especially with a beautiful summer coming up. Mid-week camping trips and fishing are at the top of my list. Date nights too. Matt are you listening?

WRITING :: Writing connects me to myself. I actually slow down enough to hear. Whether its blogging, downloading or writing out prayer. Writing has been so instrumental for me, yet I seem to always avoid it. Or thinking of it as soooo overwhelming at times. Yes, it takes me time to write and process. But that time is invaluable for the fruit it produces. So…making a quiet time for writing. Even if I have to go to the studio or my favorite tea shop. At least a sentence or two a day.  My goal is to write at least three times a week and have you look at pretty pictures in between. Writing truly focuses my heart and it is a MUST.

CLEAN FOOD :: Oh good ole nutrition. After years of searching, learning, and spending I think I am finally understanding what works for my body and what doesn’t. As I have mentioned before ISAgameon is my baseline. This product is the best on the market. Hands down in my opinion. Tastes the best, and really gives you the best results. Plus the game gives you accountability and a lifestyle around the product. I love coaching and encouraging my teammates, and I am so grateful for them too.  I have a shake every morning, because I LOVE it and it’s the most simple, whole, and tasty shake that is out there. I could talk for years about ISA, but I won’t. Email me if you want to learn more.

Next, what doesn’t work for me. Gluten, Dairy, Soy, greasy food. This was so apparent in Aspen. There were many amazing food choices that it was so easy for me to eat clean. Kale & beet salads, tuna burgers wrapped in lettuce, you get the picture. In fact, I ate so clean that one of the last days we were there I decided I would have a lil’ goat cheese & a side of sweet potato fries. My body told me later on that those decisions were a NO-NO. Now I am not crazy and won’t deprive myself of everything out there, yet I know what it likes to feel 100%. For example the sweet potato fries, something that is totally ok for me to have. Yet a whole side didn’t jive with my body, but I bet a handful would have.  I know what my triggers are to feel less than 100%. Somedays it might be worth it (holidays, date night) yet most of the time it isn’t. Feeling clear, awake, and energized is how I want to feel after a meal. So when I am not in a vacationing in a city with delightful clean food, I have to make this happen at home. It’s all about preparation. A lil’ bit of meal planning and a whole lot of having fruits and veggies cut up and available for healthy choices. This is going to be the toughest part for me as I feel that I barely have time to make a 30 second shake let alone a 30min gf df meal. But with grace I can do this. I know I can.


These are the things that make me feel whole, put together and ready to take on the world (aka my to-do list). I am committing to these! Why? Because I want to be ME. The best me. Natalie wrote in her blog post last week and I couldn’t say it better “I just want to be me. Healthy. Happy. Complete. Whatever that takes, whatever that means……………So here I am. . . reaching, learning, changing, embracing, submitting. . . being me. -Natalie Norton”

What’s it going to take to be the best you? What are your MUSTS?

Goal settings, Everyday essentials, Daily Musts, Setting yourself up for success.Image by Laura Ivanova.


Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Define before Design | MTH

April 11, 2012
See more posts in My Heart

I loved loved loved writing a exercise on how to define a space, before you redecorate or design a space. It’s over at the Making Things Happen Blog. Check it out and tell me which room in your house is next? I need help for our basement! All ideas welcome. T

hese images are a mini sneak from our shoot with Laura Ivanova of Matt and I. I can’t wait to show you the rest of this beautiful film shoot.

Head over here ——-> Define Before Design.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Re-Happy New Year

April 9, 2012
See more posts in My Heart

We are exactly a 100 days into the New Year.  You may have set some pretty intense 2012 goals and while the beginning months started off strong, you’re starting to slip. Maybe you are ready to give in and quit.  Maybe you have already given up.

I am here to ask you to change your thinking. What if you got up each day and said HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Who says that you have to start on Jan 1? Who says that there is no point now?

You can decide right now to change your thought pattern. Instead of remembering the places of failure. Remember the goal, the dream, the purpose. Sometimes falling on your face or not accomplishing a goal is part of the journey. So check back in and GIVE YOURSELF another chance.

I also challenge you to reconsider your goals, are they the right ones? Do they still fit? If not cross them off and move on.

If they are still ones you want to accomplish, I want you to write 3-4 action steps below each one. Now an action step should be as simple as…. open the computer or google a phone number. A action step isn’t edit a wedding or redecorate the kitchen. When we don’t break our big to-do’s or goals down we are overwhelmed and intimated about how to get things done.

Most of us have things on our to-do list that seem to hang out there forever. Like going to get an oil change, entering your mileage or going to the dentist. I remember the first time Lara used the oil change example at MTH.

Going to get an oil change 

  1. Pull up your calendar (either on a computer or paper)
  2. Take a peek at your open times & dates (maybe even when you will be in the same area)
  3. Google your oil change companies number
  4. Call
  5. Set an appt
  6. GO

How simple? Yet doesn’t it look like such a BIG thing to us sometimes??

This awesome breakdown that we use in the Making Things Happen Intensive really challenges you to think before you just go do. I have put this to serious work lately and it helps SO much. When I am struggling to find focus. When I am overwhelmed or even non motivated. I pick up one of my awesome little action sheets made by ABD Designs and go! Lately, I have made one in the evening and then laid it on my desk for the next day. This isn’t rocket science people, it just takes a minute to slow down and think.

So what are your goals? Can you get a piece of paper today and think of three action steps underneath each? If you get stuck leave your goal or questions in the comments below and I will help you break them down!  Or share your steps below. I bet we all can help each other out here. For example, if someone posts their action steps to keeping up with their mileage (I am so not good at this), I might just buy them ice cream and do the Macarena….twice.

Seriously people. I am calling a re-do and going to find my Happy New Year Hat and celebrate having a clean slate and new mercies every morning! Don’t just continue to let yourself slip. Know in this very moment that you are completely worth it. You can do this!

PS. If you loved this little exercise and want to learn more? Come grab your seat on the MTH2012 tour, before we sell out again!

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me