Shooting families in their homes is one of my favorite things! Everyone’s space is unique and different. Most of all seeing how your really LIVE in your home, inspires me to no end. Hence why I started Live-In Sessions. I love that sometimes during newborn sessions we get that feel as well. Often an older sibling wants to show me around the house. I get tours of their room, favorite reading nooks or here Norah wanted to show me how she helps “clean up”. I thought it was pure hilarious when she started taking all the baby diapers out of her brothers changing table. We just went for it and started tossing them in the air. We were all laughing and giggling. These moments, my friends are truly my favorite. So just in case you were wondering what a lifestyle session looks like. This is how we roll! Real life, diapers everywhere = heck yes!
How We Roll
August 20, 2013
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Love these, Gina! Your heart shines through your live-in sessions for sure.
Lovely, simply lovely!
can. not. wait.
I can’t express how much these images mean to us. Norah still loves to be or big helper and play wipes. You captured her personality abs love for her baby brother perfectly! Thank you again!
So fun and adorable! LOVE!
i love everything about this!! a live in session is on my list from you too one day 🙂
I love these so much. I love seeing the moments that go by so fast. Great job!
The last one is just classic!!!