Self Portrait Project | February

March 2, 2010
See more posts in My Heart

Can you believe it is March already? It seem like I wrote this post ages ago. Here is my February self portrait. Man let me tell you these don’t get any easier for me. A whole ball of emotions well up inside when I put together these posts.

This month was definitely plum-full of introspection. I have been processing my thoughts, moods and decisions in depth. I am fighting feeling uncomfortable and trying to get the core of my fears or beliefs that are holding me back. One of the specific things I have been wrestling with is how I see myself. I am utterly critical of every single imperfection I have.

I recently have been introduced to Hot Yoga and I absolutely love it. It’s a great workout and awesome detox because its between 105-109 the whole time you are in there. During the class the teacher instructs you to find your eyes/gaze in the mirror in front of you. Here comes me being super vulnerable….. I know this sounds small, but this is so hard for me. I don’t like looking at myself. The minute I lift my eyes I can only see my problems. My shirt isn’t fitting right, I am not small enough, my hair is making me look like a boy, my cheeks are chubby….I could go on and on people.

I don’t want to be this way. I want to look into the mirror and love the me that is present at that moment, boy hair and all.

I can’t wait till the month I share a self-portrait where I am not looking away, but proudly sharing the present me without reservations. Until then, I am working through it. Which is ok. Because it’s really about the journey and not just the destination, right Emily?

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Tweet this | Business

February 24, 2010
See more posts in Lifestyle, My Heart

Recently, I came across this post from Tara Whitney ( if you have never seen her work before… get ready to be blown away) In her post, she mentions on how you can publish and back-up your twitter feed. I have always wondered if they had this type of service. I actually would love one for facebook that pulls all of your status’s since you started, since I have been on it longer than twitter. I think it would be quite interesting to see what I was thinking in February 2004, my updates on my wedding day or my 21st birthday.

If you think about it our social media clients (facebook, twitter, tumblr) have become virtual scrapbooks, pages and pages of history in our lives. Literally if someone wanted to get to know you they could peruse through your updates and recieve a pretty interesting first impression.

I was blown away at reading through my twitter feed from early 2008. The way I looked at life – my frustrations, thoughts, hopes. One thing I painfully noticed was how much I complained then. I used to consistently crab about the traffic, my lack of sleep, how hungry I was. I was consistently enforcing my negative mood by writing them down in 140 characters. Now, I definitely believe in being totally authentic in all that you do, so that will include the random frustration updates, and the “I am eating taco bell right now, nummy” but what I have realized is this:  If I choose to focus on the positive then I am battling my negatives with an unstoppable force.  Most of the things I was complaining about were in my control.  I complained about being tired: hmm go to bed earlier, Gina, then you won’t be tired.  Overworked and stressed?? well, Gina, take on less and prioritize your time better.

Now I am not here to be your twitter police, yet as trivial as a tweet may seem, think of your audience.  Do you think your followers/clients want to hear about the terrible traffic or your extra tummy fluff in every other update? How can you add value to their everyday? What kind of online legacy do you want to leave?

Enjoy these nummy set of books that I found during my latest antique store run. They just don’t make books like this anymore. I just love the textures and colors.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Super Powers | Personal

February 20, 2010
See more posts in My Heart

Somedays, you just have to pull out your superpower cape and put on your game face.

This would explain how I got through this week. Except for my super cape consisted of hugs from my husband, yoga, chai and my little puppies cuddles. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Isn’t this little guy the cutest thing.

Also, if your finger needs an extra click go here and vote. Thanks so much in advance.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

California Blues | Hermosa Beach

February 12, 2010
See more posts in My Heart

On another freezing Minnesota day.  I am missing these California Blues in the depths of my heart. Blue sky, blue/green water, sand, bright happy lines and colors. I would love to spend a week in Hermosa or Manhattan Beach, CA to decompress. Get up each day, wander into the little red coffee shop and then head to the beach with my toes in the sand & just breathe in the air.  If you could decompress anywhere, where would you go?

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Sparkles. Faces. Photogs. Oh my. | Fun

February 12, 2010
See more posts in My Heart

My girl Eliesa hosted a MN Photostars mixer tonight and here is a sneak peek of some of the fun. It included some photobooth, face  jowling/jostling(did i even say that right?), hats, pyramids, crooked instax max photos, wind and fire :).  I met some awesome people, we have quite the talented group here in the twin cities. I was so excited to see the amount of people that attended and to meet new faces, I hope to get a chance to chat with everyone next time!

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Close your eyes | Anytime

February 8, 2010
See more posts in Lifestyle, My Heart

Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it :: Glitter in the air -Pink

When Matt took this picture of me, I was just at the beginning of my eyes being opened to my passions & life goals. I remember exactly how the wind off the waves felt on my face at the beach in Watercolor. I have been playing this song on repeat while looking through photos. It just hits home on so many levels for me (plus her Grammy performance was beautiful art).

My favorite line of this song :: Have you ever looked fear in the face, and said I just don’t care ::

I want to do this daily. Bring it fear, cause right behind you is amazing accomplishments.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Leader of the Pack | Personal

February 5, 2010
See more posts in Engagements, Lifestyle, My Heart


Let me let you in on a little secret. I dislike talking about myself. Specifically talking about my strengths and accepting compliments have always been tough and uncomfortable for me. I don’t know why, but its just feel super awkward. One thing I have learned lately is that in order to work on my self-image. I need to be cool with me. Embrace me and all the things I am bad and good at. With that said, I am  working through the fear of saying/claiming that I am a leader. I think part of what is holding me back it is that I doubt myself, and part of it is the responsibility of what the title means. Anyways, it has taken me a of couple weeks to get but now I am ready. You ready? Gina Zeidler is a leader. So, high five for me cause I finally can say it now. (Yet, again still feels a little awkward)

I think the term or stereotype leader is pretty positive. Assertive, good with people, big picture thinker, right. While having leadership traits is a great thing, sometimes having this quality can be a hindrance. About a week or so ago during the JNP workshop I had an opportunity to test out some tilt-shift lenses. Jeffrey brought in three of his couples and we each got to pair off in groups and shoot/practice.

***Now a little back story, I think I have rented the tilt-shift about 3 times and never figured it out. I read countless forums, blogs, manuals but I couldn’t get the hang of it. I really wanted to figure it out and get some hands on experience with Eliesa & Jeff on how to manipulate it to get what I want.***

When our couple walked up my crazy love for people kicked in. I greeted them and started to ask them a couple of  get to know you questions. Seriously I have this weird weird weird need to make others feel comfortable. Maybe it’s my ultimate fear of the awkward silent moment (like in elevators), but I really think the key to great photographs is having the subjects feel themselves & comfortable. Anyways, we were to direct the shoots as we would like, so I naturally took the lead and walked us over to some really cool awesome windy California trees.

I set the couple up and started shooting with my normal set up (5d mark II and my beloved 35mm 1.4). After a couple of different poses and about 30 frames. I stopped dead in my tracks and said to myself…wait a second Gina, you didn’t come here to shoot a session in your comfort zone, you came to push yourself, to get uncomfortable and learn. At that moment I turned to my two other group members and said “alright you guys, your turn to lead.” I chose to conquer the fear of not being in control and I stepped back and put on the tilt-shift. I definitely felt uncomfortable, I  fumbled, I screwed up my exposure, and grumbled while trying it out. After a bit, Eliesa helped me with a couple of settings and I finally got the hang of it.

Seriously though people, I had to push myself to step out of my comfort zone and not be the leader. In that moment I learned that to take a step back, slow down, and learn was what I needed to do. I could have continued on and shot that entire thing with lenses I am used to and got some great shots, but would I have become better? Would I have learned something new?

I want to apply this type of thinking to other areas of my life. I want to push myself to be better, stronger, and fuller.  I want to feel uncomfortable, grumpy, and fumbly sometimes, because they equal growth. This situation equaled me conquering the tilt-shift and producing this image. I would have to say…the struggle was worth it.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Liz + Bevan | Minneapolis St Paul Engagement Photographer

February 4, 2010
See more posts in Engagements

Remeber these two.

Liz & Bevan are that one of a kind couple. I remember getting the first phone call from Liz and she was super uber relaxed. She mentioned that her fiancé wouldn’t be in town till a week before their wedding because he is from New Zealand. A got a huge smile on my face. I had no idea what to expect when I met these two for their engagement session a week before their wedding (since we did all our booking over the phone). I love this anticipation of meeting new people.

These two just blew me away with their genuine love and excitement for each other. Bevan was such a gentleman and so considerate of Liz. His accent also adds 3,000 brownie points in my book. I think if I would have someone narrate my life, it would be Bevan. I just love how eloquent his speech is and the fun words like “query” are in his everyday speech. I seriously just marveled at him when he talked, it was so fun. Sorry Liz, I admit I was marveling 🙂

I seriously love these photos and how much real and happy emotion is captured in each one.  Their wedding was just as awesome as this session. Look for that post sometime next week.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Swoon | Minneapolis Engagement Photographer

February 4, 2010
See more posts in My Heart

This picture makes my heart flutter. I remember this moment exactly. I am so blessed to have amazing clients who share their love with me. Seriously, love these two..more from their engagement session & wedding soon.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Steve + Amy | Minneapolis St. Paul Engagement Photography

January 15, 2010
See more posts in Engagements, Lifestyle

Steve & Amy, these two are it. They are hilarious, down to earth, relaxed yet outgoing, calm yet super driven. Even the way they hold each other just really shows the deep respect, friendship and love that they share. I have known Amy since she was in 5th grade because our families our close friends.  I really love Amy’s smile and just her sense of warmth. This has been her personality since she was 12 years old, and its so fun to capture it now… all grown up.

We started their session in the studio and then stopped and got some chai before we braved the cold once again. I always feel so honored when a couple chooses to open their hearts and share their story with me. We sat for about an hour just talking about their story and their wedding plans. It was so great and utterly refreshing. My best sessions are filled with stories, laughter and realness (if that is even a word) meaning… I want to capture who you are, not just posed moments and we get there by being real.

I don’t think they had any idea that I was playing around out my HD video, but I had a blast just capturing Amy tell their proposal story. Just look at the way she looks at Steve and vice versa. LOVE it. My favorite line would have to be ” I lost my brain…”

Real couple. Real story. Real love. Song (I do not take any credit for music): Life, Love & Laughter Donavon Frankenreiter

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

I’m Back | Fires me up | Video Bloggin’

January 14, 2010
See more posts in My Heart

Yea. Hello. I am not sure if you noticed, but I experienced some glitches with my blog this week and I haven’t been able to update it or edit it in any way. EEEeeek. To say the least. Now it is up & running beautifully thanks to the help of my wordpress master (yes I am bowing to her) friend SarahBeth (who is by the way, a ridiculously talented pet photographer check her out!)

I decided what better way to get back into the blogosphere than to share video blog round two. I also have been in the midst of a remodel or refresh in my office, so I will be showing you a little sneak of that and my pretty new blue wall. I have sent some before and afters out on twitter if you want more.

This video blog not only includes a sneak at the new office, but I share the things that fire me up.  WARNING : You might encounter a mini dance or some air guitar in there. Like I said you were warned. I tried really hard to stick around 5 minutes, but its a cozy 9ish or so minutes. So as Emily Ley would say… grab a blanket and a coffee …or in my boat a hot cup of tea. 😉

Also, a shout out to all the MTH Dallas attendees. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow (well I guess today) is going to rock your world….if you let it. So I hope you come in with open hearts and minds and let Lara & Jeff share their souls with you. I can’t wait to hear about your experience!

If you haven’t seen the new Making Things Happen website. Go here NOW! Check it out, great information here, and a fun new design. Getting so excited for the Tour to get here in MPLS next week!

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me