Trial and Error. Succeed and Fail. They truly go hand and hand.
Risk to reach for something big.
I don’t I do enough of this. Somedays its just easier to play safe, to work with the poses I know or the routine of my life, even if its not what I want. But what does that do besides leave me right where I am. No forward motion. So fine, you can stay there, but I want to grow, mold, mash in my life and in my work.
The only way to do this is to try. To fall on my face. To make mistakes. To get to “that” or get “there”.
For example, I had about 5 poses before this one that I tried. I was just following my gut and trying my hardest to not judge my random posing ideas. Literally, my clients and I stopped mid one of my ideas, because it was that terrible. I think I even said “ummm. no, you just look like you are baptizing her. Let’s stratch that one” Two movements later, this came to me.
I would never have gotten this image if I would have worried about my clients thinking I was crazy when I asked them to get into the lake at 8pm, or worried about the different posing I was trying. I would have never been working for myself if I would have played it safe. I would have never been here in this moment if I wouldn’t have tried something new, something out of my comfort zone.
So what are you waiting for? Cheer your self on during your failures, just like this awesome clip. There is brilliance in each step.
Ginaism of the day :: Gina, get over the fear of your clients judging you while posing or shooting. They have hired you because of your work, your brain, your creativity. Not everything is going to work, and even if they ask about that one pose, just stand firm and say it didn’t turn out. You need to play during your sessions. To be in that moment with each client. This is where you create your best work. Continue on a quest for clients who truly understand this and value you. Quality vrs Quanity and real authentic connection that creates magic for all of us. It’s there, wait for it.
This is one of my favorite photos ever. Thank you for this wonderful post. I was just saying the other day that I feel like I’m in such a rut right now and feel like I’m playing it safe all the time. Thanks for giving me a kick in the butt to take more risks… Obviously, it pays off in the end. 🙂 Cheers!
BEAUTIFUL. Both your message & the photo. Gina you’re amazing – GET SOME!!!!!!!!!! 😉
You inspire me. I am with Jen.. seem to be stuck in a rut! Thank you for being genuine and for being Gina! You ROCK Sister!
Truer words could not be spoken. My work day just went temporarily downhill – thanks for the little boost, my friend 🙂
that is so funny bc I am constantly saying “um… scratch that, you just look weird” or things of the such. lol. It’s good to not care what your clients think about your crazy working style lol (speaking about myself here) bc I know they will be happy in the end. LOVE trying new things, good for you!