Worth the Wait Times Two

January 8, 2015
See more posts in Lifestyle

Miss Emily Ley and her sweet twin belly! I can’t wait for this adorable boy and girl to be in Emily’s arms. Also, I think everyone should rent a runway dress when pregnant and get some awesome belly shots done. It’s one of the highlights of our journey to have Cal. Just images to appreciate that belly and the gift from GOD it is!


Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Mom and Me | Week 1

January 7, 2015
See more posts in Lifestyle, My Heart

I am taking my time to really breathe in and set goals this year, despite my entire body that aches with anxiety saying hurry up and just make them already. I truly trying to let them simmer and work through the Powersheets at ease and letting the Lord lead the brainstorming. It was a blessing to read this post by Jess Connolly and really be encouraged to think about my goals at first in themes! It’s helped me so much to let theses themes slowly appearing.  It’s so counter intuitive  what the world is preaching (hurry up and post your goals already) but it just feels right for me now. So more to come on my goals for 2015 soon (and a giveaway for Lara’s new amazing book) For accountability, I would like to have them done and a goal post up for you by the 15th of Jan! So excited to share my goals this year! Have been super inspired by sweet Nancy and Emily sharing theirs the last years!


I goes without saying that a big theme for me in 2015 is Motherhood and just how to just be in it. To learn it. To not always try to figure every piece out and onto the next thing. Thinking about that as a goal and what kind of mom I want to be. This idea came up.  I have just haven’t had the chance besides monthly to take REAL photos of my son with the big camera. I am totally at peace with how 2014 went down (with that as I was barely surviving due to extreme sleep deprivation)  and the iPhone images I capture easy and still images. But I want to have depth to his lifetime images, create, and be inspired at home. I want Cal to see me in these moments even if it’s just my feet somedays, I want to grab a snippet of our days.  So I am going to give a 52 week photo challenge a try and call it mom and me and include some piece of Cal and I each week. Maybe it will be one photo or more, who knows. I am trying to leave it open and easy. Here goes week one! This was last week. Week 2 later this week!


Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Nursery Lessons

January 5, 2015
See more posts in Faith, My Heart

Often these days, I am hustling back to the house after errands or a client meeting to feed the baby. I find myself slowly peeling off and littering our hallway with the 800 layers that you need to wear in Minnesota, in preparation to nurse Mr. Cal in his nursery. I am one of those girls that doesn’t like to wear jewelry or real clothes at home. Who am I kidding I don’t like to wear anything that has the word “under” in it at home. Let’s just call it living free?!

The chairside table often gets filled with layers of jewelry, hair binders, and anything else that I wear out that could be distracting so that we can focus on nursing. (hence the blanket  you see in the photo below over my mirror, another distraction.)

Last week I found myself appreciating the little messy pile next to our nursing chair. It’s such a good representation of any close relationship. For me it mirrors how I want to approach God. I want to drop all the layers, all the extra stuff and get close. Skin to skin with the Lord and hear him speak. This might sound racy to you, but think of the people in your life you have spent skin to skin with? Your husband, your new baby, your family, sunny weekends at the lake with friends.It’s the those that you keep close to your heart.

It’s so incredibly easy for me to have my mind cluttered with three million things as I go to pray or meet with my Father in heaven.I want to continue to take the experience and the example of nursing my little man to help me mirror how I want to come to quiet time (even if it’s a couple minutes which it often is being a new mom) SLOW down and take off each layer.

Ask for help from the Holy Spirit to table that to-do list, or work and truly tune in and honor the Lord with my attention. I think 2015 is going to be a whole bunch of learning for this girl. It’s definitely not my usual cup of tea to slow down, gleen and be quiet. But to be honest, I am excited (and a teeny bit freaked out) of what the Lord has for us this year.

And of course I have to spice up this post with a baby giggle shot.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me