In Your Eyes

March 31, 2011
See more posts in Engagements

They way these two look at each other just fills my soul. God has lead their path and when you look at them hand in hand there is just is no contesting it. I did an inside happy dance (yes I am that girl) the first time I saw them interact. Why, because the are so meant for each other and their story is a true testament that God’s plan is always faithful and he loves to shower us with his blessings.

I am completely honored to be shooting their wedding this summer down south! For their session, we walked all around Vegas. Even hailed a taxi on the strip we wish later learned wasn’t allowed, but our taxi driver didn’t seem to mind, like he didn’t seem to mind hitting speed bumps at 35 mph. Hilarious, a bit fearful, but perfect.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Choose Popcorn

March 29, 2011
See more posts in Lifestyle

Of course life is bizarre, the more bizarre it gets, the more interesting it is. The only way to approach it is to make yourself some popcorn and enjoy the show – David Gerrold

Replace the word bizarre with crazy, busy, weird, stressful…. whatever adjective you want they all could work. It’s funny how often that we get wrapped up in the “bizarre” of everyday, when the best option would be to step back and eat your popcorn. Meaning, to take a moment to step out of the circumstance and really look at the situation. Whether you just stepped in dog poo, your kids just overflowed the toliet, or your to-do seems completely overwhelming. We should always try our hardest to break the cycle of immediate reaction. Look at these moments and know that you CAN CHOOSE your response. In fact that is the only thing you can control.

You can choose to curse the sky. Or you can laugh at the oozing beneath your feet.
You can choose to yell and scream. Or you can choose to appreciate the curiosity and innocence of children.
You can choose to sulk and walk to the fridge to numb your stress. Or you can write down three things and accomplish them and the go play.

You always have a CHOICE. I need to make a huge sign that says this on my fridge, in my mirror, and near my computer. I want to engrave this into my brain because I am sick of getting stuck in the cycle of reactions. Of having a bad day, of being ungrateful, getting crabby in traffic, feeling completely stressed and overwhelmed and not relishing in the up and downs of everyday.

We always have a choice. So next time, CHOOSE to step back, make your popcorn, and enjoy the show.

*Ashley of ABD Designs, inspired this post by sharing her love for popcorn with me. Her mom would always have popcorn ready for her girls when they got home from school. It was their time to catch up and hear about each others days. Popcorn afternoon dates are still a mandatory in her design studio, so while I filmed her promo video we grabbed these fun images. Ashley is stunning isn’t she? I can’t wait to show you how brilliant she is.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Introducing Live-in Sessions

March 25, 2011
See more posts in Lifestyle

I had the opportunity to travel to Florida to see and photograph Emily Ley, her husband and their new baby boy Brady (also known as B-man) Words can’t describe how amazing it was to be there with this little family of three. Being in Emily’s home put my brain in another place. All of the sudden there was no pressure, no fixing outfits, no time limits, no making sure everyone is smiling on three. While all of these things are great and most of the time necessary, shooting Emily’s Live-in Session made me realize the this type of raw shooting is the ying to the yang of my weddings & portrait work.

Here I captured beauty that can’t be posed. Beauty in the ordinary, in the every minute and moment. All of it delightfully unscripted.

It’s like a peek into a whole new structure of love. The fear, the firsts, the excitement, the same-olds, your routine, or lack there of. I get to revel at the beautiful craze that is your life. Imperfectly perfect. And everyone’s story is so unique.  This work speaks directly into my heart, though at times they can be completely exhausting.  I walk away full, inspired, so blessed and so crazy giddy about my images. I read this brilliant quote today that totally sum up this work perfectly.

“We don’t remember the days, we remember the moments”

The moment your baby needs you, the bedtime stories, the total meltdowns, sleepy smiles, morning bed-head, soggy diapers. The total opposite of the 1 year old portrait or birthday cake photos. The real, everyday happenings that go on in your home. This is what I am after. This is what inspires me to no end.

A Live-in Session = is where I capture You + your loved ones and the little treasured moments that your family is built on.

Emily wrote about her Live-in Session experience here. There are ten posts in Brady’s Live-in Session (which means I snuck a new surprise blog post in). I have link to each one below with one of my favorite photo  (it was so hard to pick one) from each session. You can view her full gallery hereContact me for more information on scheduling your Live-in session.

Night. Night

B is for Bronco

Midnight Snack

Lions & Tigers

A walk in the park

Splish Splash

Nursery Rhymes

Reason for Existing

Jungle Love

Home Sweet Home

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me


March 16, 2011
See more posts in My Heart

In a world where everyone is telling you you’re not good enough. Where circumstances seems invincible. You’re stuck in a rut.

STOP.  Slow down and Breathe.

Breathe in a long breath of 5 seconds in, then 5 seconds out. Ground yourself. Really. Plan your two feet on the ground and know that you have this. That you are completely capable. Right now.

Let go of all the mental crazy talk, circumstances, hurt, and your to-do list. Really let it go. Cause your the only one who it’s affecting. Replace that worry and fear with the strength of your two feet grounded. Slow down to get to the real you. Cause that you? Knows exactly what to do. That you is just waiting for you to slow down and breathe.

Choose to Breathe.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Home Sweet Home

March 15, 2011
See more posts in Lifestyle

Suprise Emily! You knew I am too big of a Type A to really only end on 9 posts. Here are a mish-mash of images I have been saving for you. I call this post Home Sweet Home, because the best part about this place is the other two you share it with. After staying as a guest for almost a week, I was able to see how beautiful God’s plan in your life has been. First you and your amazing style, your husband, your mom, Brady and even the pups. Your puzzle pieces fit together perfectly and this is what these photos mean.

Your perfect puzzle. 1 + 1 + 1 = The new family Ley.

I love you with all my heart. Thank you for sharing your world with me.


PS. I fully intended to journal to you every night at your home and I struck out after two. Never the less….here they are.

Day One :: Emily. Bryan is the peanut butter to your jelly. I seriously love both of you two, the character of a man and your beautiful heart is a perfect match. It’s so amazing to see how God has made you wonderful parents. Brady is perfect. His cute button nose and chin and his amazing “i want milk face” truthfully? he is exactly how I pictured him to be perfect. My little b-man who played patty cake with me inside your tummy. I seriously think he is magical. You also are so naturally a mother, and a skinny mommy to the least. You are a true testament that God made us women to grow and nurture and then turn back and to a beautiful woman. Happy first Nakey pictures B-man. I know that Daddy isn’t the biggest fan and then you even gave us a couple of sad faces when we talked about them, but you’ll get used to it. I promise I’ll make you look good 🙂 Night.

Day Two :: Whoo. Exhausted but all so worth it. Today was amazing….time flies when you have a baby around. It’s so fun to be around the everyday. The diapers, the cry’s, the kisses, the little baby sneezes. I love watching tv shows 6 times over yet not really watching them. I heart talking, laughing and just being girlfriends.  As I am sitting at your desk editing, I am in love with this place. It feels so me (which means I need to build and unpack this same desk that is sitting at home in a box), but yet so you at the same time. Thank you for welcoming me into your home with open arms. Thank you also for inviting me here to Florida. Running outside tonight for the first time since November…blew. my. mind. It was stupendous. I love you. Brady and B. Wait one more B. The bronco. LOVE the bronco. I seriously loved todays sessions and I loved that today was family time. Good night!

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

Reason for Existing

March 11, 2011
See more posts in Lifestyle

In the sheltered simplicity of the first days after a baby is born, one sees again the magical closed circle, the miraculous sense of two people existing only for each other. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh See the rest of the B-man series here.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me

B is for Bronco

March 9, 2011
See more posts in Lifestyle

B is for the blue Bronco. B is for daddy’s favorite team da Bears. B is for baby Brady. B is for the proudest dad ever Bryan.

B is for Brilliance……i could repeat shoots like this everyday.       See the rest of the B-man series here.

Gina is a Minneapolis based wedding and lifestyle photographer that loves bringing the LIFE out of people & capturing that energy on camera. Contact Me